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LWD Presentation Harlequins Allemande JPEG
Theater moo jpeg - Version 2
P1050184 - Version 2


 A Wild Poetry Slam




The Men  of the “Age of Enlightenment”    Pope, Swift, Gay, Sheridan


The Women who fomented the first feminist rebellion   Montagu, Chudleigh, Lennox, Finch


Never heard of these women? Once heard, you won't forget them!


William Hogarth's Marriage á la Mode and the Rake's Progress set the visual ambience. 

Hogarth's engravings depict the moral peril threatening to entangle the weak-willed, self-indulgent and unwary. 


The  Commedia characters Harlequin and Harlequin  will transports you through five iconic themes of the 18th century:


                                                                                    1. Classic Mythology - Venus, Mars and Cupid in a Ballad Opera


                                                                                    2. The Pastoral - Shepherds and Shepherdess - An idyllic landscape.


                                                                                    3.  Memento Mori  -  Consequence and Free Will


                                                                                    4. The Salon - A hotbed of Art and Malicious Gossip


                                                                                    5. The English Cottage Garden - Love’s new awakening                                                     





Love's Wild Desire

 An original play edited and arranged  

by Mariel McEwan

Love’s Wild Desire Persists in Perplexing.

Love,  Seduction,  Courtship  and Marriage

in the 18th Century. 

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